Home Learning

What homework will be set?


Pupils in year 5 will receive a CPG Maths workbook appropriate to their year group at the start of the year. A task will be set from this book usually every week. In addition, the teacher will encourage more regular practice of number bonds and times tables as appropriate.

All pupils will complete a short arithmetic test every week which will be stuck in their Home School Journal for parents/carers to review alongside their pupil. 

Please refer to our calculation policy  to support your child with their maths tasks and challenges. You will find this in the files section.

Pupils will all have a Times Table Rockstars digital account allocated to them and will be asked to spend at least 5 minutes accessing the platform per week.


All pupils will receive a CPG Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar workbook appropriate to their year group at the start of the year. A task will be set from this book usually every week.

In addition, the teacher will set between 5 and 10 spellings for pupils to learn each week. Three of these set words will be tested every week when pupils are asked to copy out a dictated sentence. These sentences will be written into Home School Journals for parents/carers to review at home. In addition to the spelling, punctuation and handwriting will also be marked.

To support your child with their English homework tasks click on the link below.



Reading underpins all education and as such pupils will be encouraged to read at home for at least five minutes every day. A record of this reading should then be made by a parent / carer in the Home School Journal. Pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 may record their reading in the Home School Journal themselves.


When will homework be set?

In setting homework we will plan to:

  • Establish a familiar routine for pupils and parents
  • Reflect the age and capacity of the pupils involved.

For pupils of all ages, homework will be set systematically by class teachers but will follow – where possible - these procedures

  1. Homework will always be set on a Tuesday.
  2. Pupils will be given the week to complete tasks. Homework will therefore be collected on the following Monday.
  3. No homework will be set during holidays except for year sixes in the SATs year. 


Where will homework be set?

Each pupil in KS1 and KS2 will have a homework book or a folder which will contain appropriate homework required homework resources. For example, an exercise book, CPG books, phonics resources. Homework tasks will be stuck in to the exercise book on a Tuesday. Homework books are to submitted on a Monday.



How will pupils and parents know what has been achieved?

At Newhampton Church of England Schools Federation our pupils and parents expect and receive appropriate feedback on homework. Ways of providing these include:

  • monitoring the Reading Record
  • marking – either by school staff or by pupils within school
  • verbal feedback from classroom teachers


From time to time homework books will be checked by the SMT to ensure that this policy is being implemented.


Home School Journals must be brought to school daily


Files to Download


'Let your light shine' encapsulates the school's commitment to provide an enriching education which is deep and broad.




Church of England Primary School



School Office

Mrs R. Hanbury | Mrs J.Hordern

01939 233353

[email protected]

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Miss R. Jones

[email protected]

Executive Headteacher

Mr B. Crompton

[email protected]

Our Federation

'Our school is forward-thinking and outward-looking. We will continuously improve and evolve together, in order to inspire pupils who leave our school feeling excited and ready for the future.’